A Moveable Feast

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Well, not the kind who helps people, but a doctor nonetheless. Yesterday I was in London for my viva (oral examination of my thesis) and it went as well as I could have possibly wished. The examiners were friendly, put me at ease, said they enjoyed my thesis and then engaged me in some great discussion about it. They asked me to step out afterwards and a few minutes later welcomed me back in and said, 'Congratulations, Dr. Fach'.

I'm not a big one for titles, but that moment was a pretty significant one for me. It meant that two reputable scholars had judged my work to be in their own league, as it were. And they really did - all they asked me to do was fix about a dozen typos. When academic insecurites arise (as they will, as those of you who know me well know all too well), I shall try to remind myself of that moment.

In our department, it is custom to put a sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway to announce the awarding of a degree. Before I left the administrator's office it was up and I have to say, it looked really good!

I am enjoying my first truly relaxing weekend in a long, long, time. A weight has been lifted, I feel great and, if I can say it here, I am really proud of myself. This has been a long journey and it's high time another one began...