A Moveable Feast

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Multiculturalism Afterall

Well, at least as far as the slugs in our neighbourhood go. The rain is back and so are the slugs. On my way home from dropping Lev off to nursery yesterday I saw a strange sight - a VERY light slug. The ones I usually see are dark brown. And, interestingly enough, whenever we spot slugs on our walks in the hills they are as black as black can be. Anyone out there know why? (No, I don't have an answer to reveal...which reminds me, no one has offered a guess as to the face below...)

Ever since Lev heard our neighbour, Geoff, say that he puts the slugs out on to the road to give them a fighting chance, Lev picks up the little creatures and says, 'Don't hurt him. Take to road?' Poor lad doesn't yet realise they don't have much chance out there. But I don't discourage him as it takes them away from my garden! I'm glad he has such a tender heart for all God's creatures...


Blogger Darlene said...

Slugs can be gray, spotted, tawny and black - all garden destructive. I think what you have there is perhaps an albino slug - very rare. Have you seen others?
Our first encounter with slugs was when we visited friends in Oregon. Darren collected them in a can. Like Leon, didn't realize how disgusting they really are.
Of course - then there is escargo.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Ken said...

Nora Bryan has a few thoughts on these criters in today's Calgary Herald (24 Aug):

"Some notorious garden vandals are on the move under cover of darkness. The slimy trail leading away from our holey Hostas is like a smoking gun, clearly betraying the nocturnal depradations of garden slugs. These unlovelies do not move completely unmolested.

"Slugs meet their nemesis in the form of the large black ground beetle. Gardeners sometimes spot these shiny fast-moving beetles in the daytime when mulch is ruffled and stones moved. Smart gardeners don't scream and stomp the poor creature to oblivion. These helpful beetles are one of the few predators of the unloved slug."

Their idea of a slurpy? Maybe, but don't tell Lev.

10:29 AM  

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