A Moveable Feast

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I have slayed the dragon

The beast has been submitted.

I am exhausted. My house is a tip. There is, of course, an oral examination in due course, but I am enjoying a huge sense of relief and satisfaction. There are so many things that have been neglected (not least of all my children). So once I manage to relax a bit (which won't happen until Derek returns safely from Somalia), enjoy Easter (which, this year, is also Anna's first birthday!), and emerge from a few of the piles, I'll be up and blogging again.

In the meantime, thank you to everyone who has been cheering me on from near and far. I have been so grateful for your calls, emails, well-wishes and prayers on my behalf.

I have recognised Derek in my acknowledgements, but as most of you won't see them, I want to thank him publicly here. My greatest debt is, without doubt, to him. His support has been incalculable. He has been supporting us financially since the end of our funding, which has not only enabled me to finish, but has also meant a delay in his own research and submission. My deepest gratitude is for the unfailing and unconditional encouragement he has shown me throughout these years. Without his faith in me, this project would probably not have begun and it most certainly would not have been completed. My next biggest project is giving him all the support he needs to slay his own beast.

Lots of love,